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Frequently Asked Questions:


Microblading is a technique that looks very natural. I manually create hairstrokes to fill in the shape of your brows.

Who is not suitable for the procedure?

Microblading is not suitable for the following candidates:
• Pregnant
• History of Keloids or Hypertrophic scarring
• Diabetic (require doctor’s clearance)
• Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
• Viral infections and/or diseases
• Epilepsy
• Blood Thinners
• Pacemaker or major heart problems
• Organ transplant
• Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
• Sick (cold, flu, etc.)
• Accutane in the past year
• Heart conditions, Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure, Poor general health.
• Any treatment, medication, or illness that compromises the immune system/healing would make you NOT a good candidate for micropigmentation procedures.
• Must stop using retinol 2 weeks prior to appointments.

How long does it take to heal?  Roughly one-two weeks depending on the person.

How often can I get a touch-up? 4-8 weeks after your very first appointment, then the average person gets a touchup between 1-3 years. It is best to let the pigment break down a good amount in between touchups so that we can get your color a nice shade and to prevent your strokes from blurring together.

What if I do not like it? As with all cosmetic procedures, individuals should not make their choices lightly. It is highly recommended that clients do their research, understand the procedure and compare different artists’ work and portfolio when making their decisions. I do my utmost to shape and style the eyebrows to the clients’ satisfaction prior to the procedure. Every effort will be made to achieve an even appearance, but please realize our faces are never perfectly symmetrical. Uneven appearance can be fixed during the touch up session. Pigment discoloration and color correction can also be fixed during the touch up session. Microbladed brows will eventually fade away if no additional touch ups are done.

What is Microblading? Microblading is a semi-permanent tattoo applied by an expert hand. Pigments get deposited into the outer layer of skin with fine, individually drawn strokes that mimic the brow.


How long does Microblading last?

The pigment used in this procedure is semi-permanent, so effects of the procedure typically lasts 18-24 months and fades slowly over time. Having seen clients return after 3+ years in very good condition, the best we can say is it varies from person to person.

Factors that will cause your microblading to fade faster: • Iron deficiency • Sun exposure • Exfoliates • Strong immune systems • Exposure to salt water • Smoking

How does microblading work? The procedure uses a hand tool, with a prepackaged, sterile, single use “blade” made up of a grouping of needles. Much like a tattoo, the skin will be scored and the pigment is deposited into the outermost layer of skin.

How long does the procedure take? The first appointment is normally one to one and a half hours long. The touchup appointments are normally an hour or less.

Does Microblading hurt? Each person will have a different experience. Some say it is relaxing and they only feel pressure. Others say it feels slight discomfort. I use a strong liquid lidocaine that works amazingly once the skin is broken. The area may be sore afterward and clients have described it as similar to mild sunburn.

Can I have Microblading done if I have no brow hair? Absolutely, this is a great option for those who suffer from Alopecia or have been through Chemotherapy. Microblading can even correct past over tweezing, waxing disasters or the normal hair thinning that occurs with age.

Do I come in for a consultation first? You can, but …. I do everything at the first appointment.

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